Taps / Refs


A Ref is a reference to an IYK tap instance.

Get a ref

Fetch information for a given ref.

If isValidRef is true, returns OTP codes that can be used to transfer the linked NFT and access any available modules. Note that by default, OTP codes expire in 30 minutes.

When querying refs from chip redirects, do not provide an API key. However, if you're querying a ref from the Links Module, you must provide an API key to recieve valid refs.

Refs are valid the first time they are queried. Any subequent queries will return isValidRef: false and not return any OTP codes. This behavior allows you to have replay protection in your frontend page, preventing a page from being shared.


GET /refs/:id


x-iyk-api-keyAPI key for userNo (see note above)

Search Parameters

includeOwnerbooleanInclude the address of the token ownerNo
includeMetadatabooleanInclude the token metadataNo


  "uid": "1111111111144444",
  "isValidRef": false,
  "linkedToken": {
    "contractAddress": "0x067f20be8e84c8fed733578e7249ea911111111",
    "chainId": 1,
    "tokenId": "1",
    "otp": "unique-21char-Nano_Id",
    "ownerAddress": "0x57cE8c50Fb287C94a1190565aFeEC56EC3cD2c0D",
    "metadata": {
      "description": "Friendly OpenSea Creature that enjoys long swims in the ocean.",
      "external_url": "https://openseacreatures.io/3",
      "image": "https://storage.googleapis.com/opensea-prod.appspot.com/puffs/3.png",
      "name": "Dave Starbelly",
      "attributes": [
          "trait_type": "Base",
          "value": "Starfish"
          "trait_type": "Eyes",
          "value": "Big"
  "poapEvents": [
      "id": 1,
      "poapEventId": 123456,
      "otp": "unique-21char-Nano_Id",
      "status": "active"
uidUniversalID of the chipstring
isValidRefThe first time you query for a ref this will be true. Every subsequent query for the ref will return false. This behavior allows you to have replay protection in your frontend page.boolean
linkedTokenIf the chip is linked to a Digital Twin NFT, this node provides a TokenRef.TokenRef?
linkedToken.otpOTP code to be used when transferring this NFT. Only returned if isValidRef is true.string?
linkedToken.ownerAddressThe address of the token owner. Only returned if includeOwner is true.string?
linkedToken.metadataThe OpenSea ERC721 metadata standard. Only returned if includeMetadata is true.Metadata?
poapEventsAny active POAP events linked to this chip.array
poapEvents[].idIYK ID of the POAP event. Use this for making queries against IYK's API.number
poapEvents[].poapEventIdPOAP ID of the POAP event. Use this for making queries against the POAP API.number
poapEvents[].otpOTP code to be used when minting a POAP for this event. Only returned if isValidRef is true.string?
poapEvents[].statusStatus of the POAP event ("pending-approval", "future", "active", "expired", "rejected")StatusEnum

Support for Third-Party Applications

IYK will pass third-party applications a reference corresponding to a specific tap instance.

The sequence looks roughly like:

  • Person taps a chip
  • IYK renders tap page if link is valid
  • IYK can redirect or link out to a registered third party baseURL with an iykRef query parameter
    • For example, https://example.com/foo?iykRef=123
  • The third party app developer can then query the /refs/:id endpoint with their api key in order to determine if the link is valid and retrieve information on the chip
  • The third party app developer can then use OTP codes returned on other relevant API calls via a x-iyk-code header